That's right today spiff is going to do a live stream review of tea itself as we try and sort tea into the ultimate tea tier list and sought the Yorkshire golds from the Yorkshire bronzes of the world. Strap yourselves in and prepare to discover the worlds best tea, the worlds most expensive tea and the worlds worst tea. Which is whatever the heck Americans do with leaves in the microwave. So join The Spiffing Brit on a vision quest for the top tea and if we have spare time between spiff's rambles and rankings he will be reviewing your tea! Thats right you can submit YOUR cups of tea to the discord and the best and worst teas will be featured on the stream as we review / react to them. So its time for a live tier list! Anyway this is a live stream so as always who knows what can happen because youtube live streams are a perfectly balanced thing that may or may not have some algorithm exploits so dont go questioning why spiff is doing a live stream. Also both the editors are currently away so this is all we have as most of the videos are 90% finished! Join this channel to get access to perks: Patreon: Twitter: @thespiffingbrit Discord: title: The Tea Tier List + Spiff Reviews Terrible Tea #Live #Tea #Review